Medical English | Day12
2014/11/15 医学生






     词根xanth/o- 黄色的

     xanthosis 黄变症;黄肤症

     xanthochromia 黄变症(脑脊液或皮肤)

     xanthoderma 黄肤,黄色皮肤

     词组xanthoma disseminatum播散性黄瘤

     plane xanthoma扁平黄瘤;扁平黄色瘤

     eruptive xanthoma疹性黄色瘤;发疹性黄瘤;疹样黄色瘤

     xanthoma tuberosum结节性黄瘤;结节样黄色瘤;结节性黄色瘤

     例句The histopathologic picture of the nodule over the coccyx showed numerous xanthoma cells and some fibroblastic proliferations.



     Typically, symptoms of the serotonin syndrome resolve how long after discontinuation of the offending agent?


     AnswerGenerally, symptoms of the serotonin syndrome resolve 24 - 48 hours after discontinuation of the offending agent. If symptoms persist beyond 72 hours, alternative diagnoses should be sought.

     一般情况下,五羟色胺综合征的症状在停止致病药物后24- 48小时内缓解。如果症状持续超过72小时,要寻找其他诊断(MayoClin Proc, Vol. 85, pg. 955)。

     Cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors from 1980 to 2010: a comparative risk assessment.


     Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol


     索引:Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol.2014 May 16;



     High blood pressure, blood glucose, serum cholesterol, and BMI are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and some of these factors also increase the risk of chronic kidney disease and diabetes. We estimated mortality from cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes that was attributable to these four cardiometabolic risk factors for all countries and regions from 1980 to 2010.


     We used data for exposure to risk factors by country, age group, and sex from pooled analyses of population-based health surveys. We obtained relative risks for the effects of risk factors on cause-specific mortality from meta-analyses of large prospective studies. We calculated the population attributable fractions for each risk factor alone, and for the combination of all risk factors, accounting for multicausality and for mediation of the effects of BMI by the other three risks. We calculated attributable deaths by multiplying the cause-specific population attributable fractions by the number of disease-specific deaths. We obtained cause-specific mortality from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2010 Study. We propagated the uncertainties of all the inputs to the final estimates.


     In 2010, high blood pressure was the leading risk factor for deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes in every region, causing more than 40% of worldwide deaths from these diseases; high BMI and glucose were each responsible for about 15% of deaths, and high cholesterol for more than 10%. After accounting for multicausality, 63% (10·8 million deaths, 95% CI 10·1-11·5) of deaths from these diseases in 2010 were attributable to the combined effect of these four metabolic risk factors, compared with 67% (7·1 million deaths, 6·6-7·6) in 1980. The mortality burden of high BMI and glucose nearly doubled from 1980 to 2010. At the country level, age-standardised death rates from these diseases attributable to the combined effects of these four risk factors surpassed 925 deaths per 100?000 for men in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia, but were less than 130 deaths per 100?000 for women and less than 200 for men in some high-income countries including Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, and Spain.


     The salient features of the cardiometabolic disease and risk factor epidemic at the beginning of the 21st century are high blood pressure and an increasing effect of obesity and diabetes. The mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors has shifted from high-income to low-income and middle-income countries. Lowering cardiometabolic risks through dietary, behavioural, and pharmacological interventions should be a part of the global response to non-communicable diseases.


     高血压、高血糖、高血清胆固醇和高体重指数(BMI)是心血管疾病的四大危险因素,这些因素的一部分还可增加慢性肾脏疾病和糖尿病的风险。 从 1980-2010 年,我们对全球所有国家和地区归因于这四种心脏代谢危险因素的心血管疾病、慢性肾脏疾病和糖尿病死亡率进行了评估。


     我们使用基于人群健康调查合并分析,得到按国家、年龄组和性别暴露于危险因素的数据用于研究。 我们从大型前瞻性研究的荟萃分析中,得到了危险因素作用于特定原因死亡的相对风险。 我们对单独每种危险因素和综合所有危险因素的人群归因分数进行了计算,利用其他三种危险因素对多重因果和 BMI 影响的裁定进行了说明。 我们将特定原因人群归因分数乘以特定疾病死亡人数得出归因死亡人数。 我们从“2010 年疾病、伤害和危险因素的全球负担研究”中得到了特定原因死亡率。 我们将所有输入结果的不确定性传导到最终评估中。


     2010 年,高血压是全球各个地区心血管病、慢性肾脏病和糖尿病所致死亡的首要危险因素,超过 40% 的上述疾病所致死亡归因于高血压,高 BMI 和高血糖各导致约15% 死亡,高胆固醇则导致超过 10% 的死亡。 解释完多重因果后,2010 年,63% (1080 万例死亡,95% CI 10.1—11.5)的上述疾病所致死亡归因于这 4 种代谢危险因素的综合效应,而在 1980 年这一比例为 67%(710 万人死亡,6·6—7·6)。 从 1980 年到 2010 年,高 BMI 和高血糖的死亡负担几乎翻倍。 具体到国家,归因于这 4 种危险因素综合效应的年龄标准化死亡率,在白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和蒙古男性中,每 100 000 例死亡中有超过 925 例;但在部分高收入国家,其中包括澳大利亚、加拿大、法国、日本、荷兰、新加坡、韩国和西班牙等,在女性中每 100 000 例死亡中有不到 130 例,在男性中每 100 00例死亡有不到 200 例。


     21 世纪初心脏代谢疾病和危险因素流行病的显著特征是,高血压,肥胖和糖尿病的影响在增加。 归因于心脏代谢危险因素的死亡负担从高收入国家向低收入和中等收入国家转移。 通过饮食、行为和药物干预治疗,降低心脏代谢危险因素,应是全球应对非传染性疾病的一部分。


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