Medical English | Day 20
2014/11/26 医学生




     [tr?ns'fju?(?)n; trɑ?ns-; -nz-]

     n. [临床] 输血;[临床] 输液;倾注;灌输


     transfix 钉住,刺穿

     transship 转运,转送;把…转载他船

     词组Exchange transfusion大换血;交换输血;换血疗法;换血

     Platelet transfusion血小板输注;输注血小板;输血小板

     venous transfusion静脉输液;静脉输血;静脉药物;静脉化疗

     例句The day aims to raise awareness of the need for safe blood, to thank and honour those blood donors who make transfusion possible and to encourage regular blood donation by suitable donors.


     Question肖锋 翻译和整理

     What is the current postexposure (PEP) medication regimen for occupational and non-occupational HIV exposure?


     AnswerTenofovir + emtricitabine pluseither raltegravir or dolutegravir is the preferred initial regimen because ofexcellent tolerability, proven potency in established HIV infection, and easeof administration (See current EMedHome Clinical Pearl).

     为其联合使用的良好耐受性,已证实的抗HIV感染效力,和使用方便,替诺福韦+恩曲他滨加拉替拉韦或多鲁特拉韦(dolutegravir)是首选初始方案(10/14 New York State Department of HealthAIDS Institute: and InfectionControl and Hospital Epidemiol 2013;34:875-892)。

     Clinical management of concurrent diabetes and tuberculosis and the implications for patient services.


     Anca Lelia Riza ,Fiona Pearson ,Cesar Ugarte-Gil ,Bachti Alisjahbana ,Steven van de Vijver ,Nicolae M Panduru

     Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol


     索引:Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2014 Sep;2(9):740-753


     Diabetes triples the risk for active tuberculosis, thus the increasing burden of type 2 diabetes will help to sustain the present tuberculosis epidemic. Recommendations have been made for bidirectional screening, but evidence is scarce about the performance of specific tuberculosis tests in individuals with diabetes, specific diabetes tests in patients with tuberculosis, and screening and preventive therapy for latent tuberculosis infections in individuals with diabetes. Clinical management of patients with both diseases can be difficult. Tuberculosis patients with diabetes have a lower concentration of tuberculosis drugs and a higher risk of drug toxicity than tuberculosis patients without diabetes. Good glycaemic control, which reduces long-term diabetes complications and could also improve tuberculosis treatment outcomes, is hampered by chronic inflammation, drug-drug interactions, suboptimum adherence to drug treatments, and other factors. Besides drug treatments for tuberculosis and diabetes, other interventions, such as education, intensive monitoring, and lifestyle interventions, might be needed, especially for patients with newly diagnosed diabetes or those who need insulin. From a health systems point of view, delivery of optimum care and integration of services for tuberculosis and diabetes is a huge challenge in many countries. Experience from the combined tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS epidemic could serve as an example, but more studies are needed that include economic assessments of recommended screening and systems to manage concurrent tuberculosis and diabetes.



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