医学英语丨Division Of the Skeleton(一)
2014/12/29 医学生
Key Point
The axial skeleton consists of the skull[n.颅骨], the spinal column[n.椎骨], the ribs[n.肋骨], and the sternum[n.胸骨].
The skull consists of eight cranial bones and the 14 bones of the face. Skull bones are joined by immoveable joints (sutures), except for the joint between the lower jaw (mandible) and the temporal bone of the cranium, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
The spinal column consisting of 26 vertebrae. Between the vertebrae are disks of cartilage that add strength and flexibility to the spine. The five group of vertebrae, listed from superior to inferior with the number of bones in each group are:
1.Cervical 颈椎 (seven), designated C1 to C7. The first and second cervical vertebrae also have specific names, the atlas[n.枢椎] and the axis[n.寰椎].
2. Thoracic 胸椎 designated T1 to T12.
3. Lumbar 腰椎 L1 to L5.
4. The sacrum 骶骨 compose of 5 fused bones.
5. The coccyx 尾骨 composed of four to five fused bones.
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