2016/1/27 护士学习笔记
科普一:首先科普CRNA。CRNA是Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist的缩写,基本可以理解为注册麻醉护士。很多人可能不理解怎么总是提“注册”,其实很简单,就是一个说法。打个比方,经商要有工商许可证,餐饮行业要有卫生许可证,到国家机关去注册了才能给你发证,你才能在这个专业领域从事工作。如果还不理解,说个简单的,有了学生证你才能进校门、餐厅用餐、或者图书馆借阅,这就是你在学校教务处“注册”了自己的身份信息,你是某校的“注册学生”,容易理解了吧。
科普二:美国有麻醉师或麻醉专科护士的行业协会,AANA(American Association of Nurse Anesthetists),关于这个具体专业领域的小知识或具体内容,可以自己百度一下。
CRNA Week is January 24-30, 2016
Anesthesia was first invented around 1840. During the Crimean War in the 1850’s Florence Nightingale’s work as a nurse advanced the use of anesthesia to treat battlefield amputations and surgery. Anesthesia nursing was the first clinical nursing specialty also and helped to reduce the morbidity and mortality of patients undergoing surgery.
Throughout the years, from Sister Mary Bernard at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Pennsylvania in 1887 to Alice Magaw who worked at what is now Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, nurse anesthetists have played a key role in the care of patients undergoing surgery.
As this nursing specialty has evolved so has the education required for it. The first formal program was developed in 1909 at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon. Other early programs include: St John’s Hospital in Springfield, Illinois and Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.
Accreditation of nurse anesthesia programs was implemented in 1952 by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Interestingly, a bachelor’s degree in nursing or a related field was required for admission to the nurse anesthesia program in 1986. By 1998, all programs were at the graduate level. The latest position paper by AANA is that all programs must award a doctoral degree by 2025.
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